~ Sneak Peek Raya - Muar ~

hi guys...sangat2 malas+takde mood+takde MASA nak update.

been really bz..with the assignment.

'kau ni bz, kalah pm' mazni cakap.
ye, aku memang begitu. =p

mode tekanan: on.

p/s: i want to update bout raya. but i really don't have pic of raya in Tawau. last week, my friend and i were going beraya at Muar... thanx to Helmy and Mazni Maisya. (promote sket blog mazni *wink wink*)

The raya~ vividly memorable.

Mazni's House... Nnti kite g Gunung Ledang oke!

Eman : ya, i am tired... but i hav fun =p

Helmy's open house

Zuhairi, the red shirt and Me.. senyum habis beb!! iklan gigi kejap. ehehe =p

Makan2.... we balun all cookies and cake smpi habis....

ya. eid fitr lets us to gether around. getting to know each other closer and closer.
amazing kan, how life is so wonderful to be explore...
oleh itu kawan2, bila nak g Gunung Ledang ni? ehehe =P

BTW, i hope it is not too late..
Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin

~KeNegaraan Exibiton~

Kenegaraan Exibition at DTII Uthm...
this is my first entry...will be updating this later ya...